Ryouya Go Kanzakiya Kensha

Registered Name: Ryouya Go Kanzakiya Kensha
Breeder: Ohashi
Owner: Stefanie & Oliver Raspel - RamsRaspel Kensha
Kennel: Kanzakiya Kensha
Sire: Koyata Go Kurume Hirose
Dam: Ryoukou Go Kanzakiya Kensha
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 23 NOV 2014
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Japan
Land of Standing: Germany
Size: 65 cm (25.59 inch)
Weight: 35 kg (77.16 pound)
Colour: Blue Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Akita Cup Italy 2019 Seiken A 3rd place
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKIHO 15-577
HD A2, Eyes ok, Amelogenesis imperfecta:No Carrier

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Ryouya Go Kanzakiya Kensha
Koyata Go Kurume HiroseKotarou Go Oomano

Taiyoukou Go Akita Iijimasou
Mikohime Go Miyagi Toyosato
Hakubi Go Kurume Hirose

Yuukoku Go Kurume Hirose
Mio Go Kurume Hirose

Ryoukou Go Kanzakiya Kensha

Shoudai Go Kanzakiya Kensha

Goukai Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha
Azusa Go Kurashiki Wakamatsusou

Satsuki Go Osaka Korakuen
Konshou Go Aki Ikkasou
Reika Go Kouyasan Miyauchi Sou