Genryou Go Fuen No Oka

Registered Name: Genryou Go Fuen No Oka
Breeder: Zuzanna Chade - Fuen No Oka
Owner: Stacy Steyer
Sire: Taienmaru Go Hinai Ougi
Dam: Fumihime Go Fuen No Oka
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 4 OCT 2016
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Poland
Land of Standing: USA
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKIHO 17-402
Gakuryuu Go Fuen No Oka
Gaya Go Fuen No Oka
Gotenmaru Go Fuen No Oka
Gyokusui Go Fuen No Oka

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Genryou Go Fuen No Oka

Taienmaru Go Hinai Ougi

Ranen Go Hirosaki Jyou

Ranshinmaru Go Noshiro Koujusou
Komachi Go Subarusou

Kira Go Minatomaru

Razan Go Hokuseisou

Kana Go Todasou

Fumihime Go Fuen No Oka

Senjumaru Go Yahata Kensha

Sharaku Go Shirai
Harukoma Go Yahata Kensha

Shinkuu Go Kouyasan Hashitani

Zuikou Go Kouyasan Miyauchisou

Hotaru Go Kouyazan Miyauchisou