Manami Go De La Vallèe Des Samourais

Registered Name: Manami Go De La Vallèe Des Samourais
Breeder: Cedric Revol - De La Vallée Des Samouraïs
Owner: Petia Krusteva - Akita Bagatur Ken
Sire: Kaishi Go Shichimen Kensha
Dam: Kozakura Go Noshiro Fujita
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 12 MAR 2016
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: France
Land of Standing: Bulgaria
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: 250269811327940
Masumi Go De La Vallee Des Samourais
Miasaki De La Vallee Des Samourais

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Manami Go De La Vallèe Des Samourais

Kaishi Go Shichimen Kensha
Tetsutarou Go ShiraiKouryuu Go Hanafuji

Awa Aihime Go Musashi Aiwa

Ai Go Yamagata Kojima
Moridake Hachiman Go Moridake Sekinodaisou
Koyomi Go Yamagata Kojima

Kozakura Go Noshiro Fujita

Oukoku Go Senshuu Takashihamasou

Mikuni Go Matsusaka Yamanaka
Mizuki Go Senshuu Takashihamasou
Ranhime Go Noshiro Fujita

Kanku Zakura Go Senshuu Takashihamasou
Taishi Go (Taiko Go) Nishikisou