Kumohubuki Go Noshiro Koujusou

Registered Name: Kumohubuki Go Noshiro Koujusou
Breeder: Junichi Motose - Noshiro Koujusou
Kennel: Noshiro Koujusou
Sire: Taiyoukou Go Akita Iijimasou
Dam: Yuizuki Go Kosendou
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 5 JAN 2009
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Japan
Land of Standing: Japan
Size: 68 cm (26.77 inch)
Colour: Blue Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKIHO 09-1056
Taiseimaru Go Noshiro Koujusou

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Kumohubuki Go Noshiro Koujusou

Taiyoukou Go Akita Iijimasou

Fukusukekou Go Kagaya
Kouki Go Kachouen
Aki Go Kagaya
Hakkouhime Go Akita Iijimasou

Kagetora Go Ibaraki Kasamatsu
Kouhime Go Senshuudou

Yuizuki Go Kosendou

Fukusukekou Go Kagaya
Kouki Go Kachouen
Aki Go Kagaya

Sakurako Go Takadasou

Daikaku Go Aikensou
Baika Go Shirakabe Miki