Shogun Halne Wzgorze

Registered Name: Shogun Halne Wzgorze
Breeder: Jolanta Talaga - Halne Wzgorze
Owner: Monika , Marek Ziemi%u0144scy
Kennel: Halne Wzg�rze
Sire: P'Koshu D'Obakosow
Dam: Kawakita Fuji Matricaria
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 10 MAR 2002
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Poland
Land of Standing: Poland
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: INTERCHAMPION , multi Champion , multi BOB
Known Offspring:
Hogun Halne Wzgòrze
Sayonara Halne Wzgórze

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Shogun Halne Wzgorze

P'Koshu D'Obakosow

Ryusho Go Hanamaki Azumasou
Taijinmaru (Taishinmaru) Go Miyako Kensha
Hanabuki Go Hanamaki Sakarisou
Tohome Go Niigata Miyao Kensha

Toun Go Taiwan Kisarazu
Fuji Go Shirafujisou

Kawakita Fuji Matricaria

You Like Him As Aras An Uachtarain

Fujioh Go Sagami Imai
Higashi As Aras An Uachtarain

Ichiban's Joyful Emerald

Enzuro Go Simokita

Ichiban's Pride And Joy