Anzen Go Z Jasné

Registered Name: Anzen Go Z Jasné
Breeder: Lenka Frolichová - z Jasné Kennel
Owner: Lenka Frolichová - z Jasné Kennel
Kennel: z Jasné
Sire: Banshuumaru Go Shun'You Kensha
Dam: D'Sakura Go Of Kamino Ken
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 3 NOV 2011
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Czech Republic
Land of Standing: Czech Republic
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Agari Go Z Jasné
Aiko Go Z Jasné
Anshin Go Z Jasne
Asahi Go Z Jasne
Atari Go Z Jasne

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Anzen Go Z Jasné

Banshuumaru Go Shun'You Kensha

Kaishi Go Shichimen Kensha
Tetsutarou Go Shirai

Ai Go Yamagata Kojima

Seiya Go Shun'You Kensha

Hokuun No Ryuushou Go Watanabe

Kajitsu No Chikara Go

D'Sakura Go Of Kamino Ken

Kotarou Go Musashi Aiwa

Kitanojou Go Saginuma Kensha
Ringo Go Shirai

Kaori Go Musashi Aiwa

Koutaro Go Shirai
Sumire Go Musashi Aiwa