Geisha Kiriki Sama Go KiYama

Registered Name: Geisha Kiriki Sama Go KiYama
Breeder: Sibylle Rother - Kiyama Kennel
Owner: Sibylle Rother - Kiyama Kennel
Kennel: Kiyama kennel
Sire: Musashi Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha
Dam: Akikohime Go De Kenshinsou
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 15 OCT 2008
Date of Death: 2 OCT 2017
Land of Birth: Germany
Land of Standing: Germany
Size: 61 cm (24.02 inch)
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: FCI Centenary Show Champion, Vice World Champion 2015 + 2010, BISS Akita Club Show 2015, International Champion, Champion VDH, Champion NL, Champion L, Champion DK, Akita Club Champion, FCI European Champion 2011, European Champion VDH 2011, 2012, Jahrhundertsiegerin, Bundessiegerin 2011, 2012, Akita Club Show Winner Breitnau, Akita Cup Winner: 1 Seiken A, 1 Soken class, 2 yoken class, World Youth Champion Bratislava
Known Offspring:
Registration#: VDH/AC 08/02202123
HD A1, eyes ok, teeth complete (died of Anal gland cancer)
Geisha Yukikohime Go Kiyama

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Geisha Kiriki Sama Go KiYama

Musashi Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha
Mine No Hikari Go Niigata Daiichi KenshaJumon Go Senshuu Takashihamasou
Reina Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha
Misatohime Go Miyagi Kozaki KenshaTakefune Go Onagawa Kyouritsu
Michiko Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha

Akikohime Go De Kenshinsou

Goushi Go Yahata Kensha
Mitsukuni Go Aikensou

Yamatohime Go Kyuushuu Morishita

Masayume Go Shun'You Kensha

Kakusui Go Tezuka Kensha

Sakuranokaori Go