Gouryu Go Shounan Yamada

Registered Name: Gouryu Go Shounan Yamada
Breeder: Kenji Yamada

Owner: Antonino Saporito - Di Casa Saporito
Kennel: Shonan Yamada
Sire: Tougoku Go Shimoda Kurofune
Dam: Saika Go Shimizu Aoisou
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 10 MAR 1992
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Japan
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Ch. Italiano Ch. Internazionale Ch. Europeo 1995 Ch. sociale
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKIHO 92-2411 LOI TC034638

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Gouryu Go Shounan Yamada

Tougoku Go Shimoda Kurofune

Ise Unryu Go Ise Meiwa Kensha

Ise Kumo Go Ise Meiwa Kensha
Tochi Komachi Go Kyoto Teraishi
Beniazusa Go Okayama Minami

Tochi No Shogun Go Saitama Hibarisou
Tamame Go Okayama Minami
Saika Go Shimizu AoisouEcchuh No Tochiwaka Kaga Ikeuchi Kensha

Tochi Maru Go Mike Kensha
Kotomi Go
Karin Go Banseinaku

Ryuurin Go Fukuoka Sekido
Sonoka Go Matsuhomare