Daiko Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha

Registered Name: Daiko Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha
Breeder: Youko Inu
Owner: Youko Inu
Kennel: italy
Sire: Koutarou Go Aso Inoue
Dam: Fujiko Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha
Call Name: Ryu
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 28 JUN 2022
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Canada
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: 380260101726631

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Daiko Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha

Koutarou Go Aso Inoue

Masamune Go Kyushu Ishida

Fuuetsu Go Shirai

Yuuki Go Senshuu Takashihamasou
Tamaki Go Aso InoueKougaku Go Aso Inoue
Momiji Go Noshiro Koujusou

Fujiko Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha

Kenshin Go Shirai

Fuuetsu Go Shirai

Rumi Go Shirai

Ikumi Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha

Ken Go Dell'Antico Matagi Dell' Antico Matagi

Kasumi Go Takasaki Wakou