Goku Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha

Registered Name: Goku Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha
Breeder: Luigi e Gianfranco Caccavaro - BordAkitaInu Kensha
Owner: Ieva Vestertiene
Kennel: Bordakitainu Kensha
Sire: Kitagumi Go Ryuumon
Dam: Momoko Go Oita Miyoshu
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 4 SEP 2022
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Lithuania
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Genei Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha
Genichi Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha

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Goku Go Di Bordakitainu Kensha

Kitagumi Go Ryuumon

Kannari No Ryuu Go Kannarisou

Rankurou Go Akita Shibata
Rikuzen Kyoka Go Kazusa

Megumi Go Oomagari Hamada

Taihei Go Rokku Hando Touwa

Hanasyou Go Noshiro Koujusou

Momoko Go Oita Miyoshu

Koutarou Go Aso Inoue

Masamune Go Kyushu Ishida
Tamaki Go Aso Inoue

Yutakahime Go Shikoku Mori

Taka Go Houfu Tokumoto

Konomi Go Hakusanyamashima