Ninibe Go Tamashi Kensha

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Registered Name: Ninibe Go Tamashi Kensha
Breeder: Francesco Pallarino - Tamashi Kensha
Owner: Francesco Pallarino - Tamashi Kensha
Kennel: Tamashi Kensha
Sire: Toshiaki Go Kawaakari Kensha
Dam: Narita Go Tamashi Kensha
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 29 NOV 2020
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LO2130330

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Ninibe Go Tamashi Kensha

Toshiaki Go Kawaakari Kensha

Ryujin No Hokuto Fukushu No Kensha

Fukushu Hokuto Go

M'Kumiai No Hime Tokimitsu

Zuigansakura No Kobura Fukushu No Kensha

Sagenta Go Shirai

Hakufumy No Guinga Hime Go

Narita Go Tamashi Kensha

Ikkoku Go Shirai

Ginji Go Shirai
Shion Go Musashi Aiwa

Yukino Go

Soutou Go Yahata Kensha
