N'Takekaze Go Des Seigneurs D'orient

Registered Name: N'Takekaze Go Des Seigneurs D'orient
Breeder: Karine Giffaut - Seigneurs d'orient
Owner: Karine Giffaut - Seigneurs d'orient
Kennel: Seigneurs d'orient
Sire: S Takurou Go Samurai Spirit
Dam: Ami Go Shun'You Kensha
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 13 JUL 2017
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: France
Land of Standing: France
Size: 68 cm (26.77 inch)
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LOF 11774/1500

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N'Takekaze Go Des Seigneurs D'orient

S Takurou Go Samurai Spirit

Taijyu Go Noshiro Fujita

Musou Go Toyokawa Iguchisou
Taishi Go (Taiko Go) Nishikisou

Sawa Homare Go Nangou Satoo

Mugen Go Sendai Takahashi Kensha
Akari Go Sendai Takahashi Kensha

Ami Go Shun'You Kensha

Miyakohomare Go Aomori Mikamisou

Miyakotsukasa Go Kokura Shimauchi

Suzukaze Go Fujimasa

Shinka Go Aso Inoue

Kayami (Kouzan) Go Aso Inoue
Nairei (Sairei) Go Miss Otafukusou