Hachiko Samurai B'Kitsune

Registered Name: Hachiko Samurai B'Kitsune
Breeder: Manuela Convertini - Hachiko Samurai
Kennel: Hachiko Samurai
Sire: Hachiko Samurai Unkei
Dam: Anju Go Shirai
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 2 DEC 2017
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Figlia di riproduttori selezionati Enci
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LO1834584
Hachiko Samurai B'ayano Momo No Hana

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Hachiko Samurai B'Kitsune

Hachiko Samurai Unkei

Taishi Go Soga Gorouen

Tenshin Go Shirai
Musouka Go Shirai

Hachiko Samurai Hasunohana

G'Kouhei Go Of Kamino Ken

Toramei Go

Anju Go Shirai

Fuuetsu Go Shirai

Kouki Go Shirai
Tamahime Go Shirai
Katsura Go Shirai

Ginji Go Shirai
Shion Go Musashi Aiwa