Mitsuki Of Senzo No

Registered Name: Mitsuki Of Senzo No
Breeder: jean philippe Nouger L'Empire Des Ronin
Owner: Meunier Gwenaelle
Kennel: Of Senzo Nö
Sire: Michio Halne Wzgòrze
Dam: Kaho Go Shirai
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 19 MAY 2016
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: France
Land of Standing: France
Weight: 30 kg (66.14 pound)
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Racing Name: Akita inu
Kira Of Senzo No

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Mitsuki Of Senzo No

Michio Halne Wzgòrze

Fuen De La Vallee Des Samourais

Kotarou Go Musashi Aiwa

Emiko Go Shirai

Koemi Halne Wzgórze

Kokusai Halne Wzgórze

Hankooshoku Halne Wzgórze

Kaho Go Shirai

Fuuetsu Go Shirai

Kouki Go Shirai
Tamahime Go Shirai
Momokammuri Go Shirai

Matsukaze Go Musashi Aiwa
Momoka Go Musashi Aiwa