Kara Akay Inukami Inu

Registered Name: Kara Akay Inukami Inu
Breeder: Inukami inu Eduardo-marinho
Owner: cleidson gomes
Kennel: Inukami Inu
Sire: Tensui Del Yucatàn BR
Dam: Shum Hi Del Yucatan Br
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 27 FEB 2016
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Brazil
Land of Standing: Brazil
Size: 64 cm (25.2 inch)
Weight: 34 kg (74.96 pound)
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Campe� filhote de beleza
Known Offspring:
Massaki Akay Inukami Inu
Yuu Akay Inukami Inu

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Kara Akay Inukami Inu

Tensui Del Yucatàn BR

Goten Go Fujitaen

Shoei Go Aso Inoue
Taishi Go (Taiko Go) Nishikisou

F'Tomadachi Go Of Ikenohatade

D'Taishi Go Of Kamino Ken

Akikomachi Of Ikenohatade

Shum Hi Del Yucatan Br

Shumpou Go Oomigafuusou

Kouun Go Okayama Nishi Oota
Suzune Go Okayama Nishi Oota

Sakurambo No Hinata Del Yucatàn BR

Hakufumy No Fukoo Go

Kobiki Del Yucatan BR