Genkuume Go Akita Tsutsui Kensha

Registered Name: Genkuume Go Akita Tsutsui Kensha
Breeder: Kanekatsu Tsutsui Akitaken
Owner: Evert Deloof-Sys - Hachimantai Kennel
Galina Shapareva-Deloof-Sys, Hachimantai Kennel
Sire: Bushou Go Enoki Kensha
Dam: Seiko Go Akita Enhyou
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 24 JUL 2012
Date of Death: 28 JAN 2024
Land of Birth: Japan
Land of Standing: Bulgaria
Colour: Brindle
Distinguishing Features: AKIHO Honbuten Winner, Odate 2013
Titles: AKIHO champion (Yoken A - 1st place), Odate 2013, 8xCAC, 3xCACIB, 2xBOB, 2xBIG, Reserve BIS, Champion El Salvador, Champion Montenegro, Champ�on Bulgaria, Grand Champion Bulgaria, Champion Balkan States, Champion Serbia, Club Winner Serbia
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKIHO 12-1773
Benibana Go Akita Tsutsui Kensha
Yoki Go Akita Tsutsui Kensha

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Genkuume Go Akita Tsutsui Kensha

Bushou Go Enoki Kensha

Taiyoukou Go Akita Iijimasou

Fukusukekou Go Kagaya
Hakkouhime Go Akita Iijimasou

Kagura (Shinraku) Hime Go Enoki Kensha

Fukusukekou Go Kagaya
Kahouhime Go Yuri Kensha

Seiko Go Akita Enhyou

Taiyoukou Go Akita Iijimasou

Fukusukekou Go Kagaya
Hakkouhime Go Akita Iijimasou
Kesa Go Akita EnhyouKita No Ukigumo Go Sugayosou
Motohime Go Akita Enhyou