Kikuhime Go Keihan Tsutsumi

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Registered Name: Kikuhime Go Keihan Tsutsumi
Breeder: Yasuo Tsutsumi
Andrea Bordone - Delle Bianche Vallate
Owner: Alessandra Bertagnini
Kennel: Keihan Tsutsumi
Sire: Kotetsu Go Housenkaku
Dam: Benihagoromo Go Keihan Tsutsumi
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 30 AUG 2004
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Japan
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: JL-00212/04, LO06114295
Sachihime Go Keihan Tsutsumi

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Kikuhime Go Keihan TsutsumiKotetsu Go HousenkakuTaikou Go Furuyasou

Gobouhibiki Go Kohanen
Masahime (Shinhime) Go Nishikisou
Yurika Go Nishikisou

Taiho Go Furuyasou
Shiniyume Go Subarusou

Benihagoromo Go Keihan Tsutsumi

Hachiryuumaru Go Yahata Kensha
Daibou Go Yahata Kensha
Shirayuki Go Yahata Kensha

Miroku Go Oumi Kojima

Tougaku Go Mizushima Nakajimasou

Himekomachi Go Kishu Kinokunisou