Irasshai Mase Del Yucatàn BR

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Registered Name: Irasshai Mase Del Yucatàn BR
Breeder: Juliana C. e Leandro M. - Yucatan BR
Owner: Pedro Lang - Canil Tibiquary
Kennel: Yucatàn BR
Sire: Daitan Maru De Okii Mikata
Dam: Kenkoo Go Do Tibiquary
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Brazil
Land of Standing:
Colour: Red Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:

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Irasshai Mase Del Yucatàn BRDaitan Maru De Okii Mikata     Add Dog     

Zonmei Amai Go Of Fighting Dog

Dousan Go Kawasaki Marutaka

Tamayuu Go Shirai

Kenkoo Go Do Tibiquary

Higashi Kazan Do Tibiquary

Gaikofu Go No Shatsuko
Aka Guroi Go No Shatsuko
Akatsuki-go Do TibiquaryKin Itchi Do Tibiquary
Tsuki Hime Dyuni Do Tibiquary