B'Tao Tao Go Of Ikenohatade

Registered Name: B'Tao Tao Go Of Ikenohatade
Breeder: Andreas Frey - Of Ikenohatade
Owner: Andreas Frey - Of Ikenohatade
Kennel: of Ikenohatade
Sire: Kasuga Go Shirai
Dam: V'Sara Go Of Kamino Ken
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 2 JUL 2006
Date of Death: 24 APR 2021
Land of Birth: France
Land of Standing: France
Size: 61 cm (24.02 inch)
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Int. Champion; Swiss Champion; Akita-Cup Winner
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LOF 5 AK.IN. 5120/971

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B'Tao Tao Go Of Ikenohatade

Kasuga Go Shirai
Kusumaru Go Shirai

Hokuto Go Kisarazu Shirai Kensha
Yuuka Go Shirai
Fuuwa Go Shirai

Dairin Go Fukuoka Tokuhisa

Satsuki Go Musashi Aiwa

V'Sara Go Of Kamino Ken

Kuma Go Hakuhousow

Hikarugenji Go Kantou Takeshi
Houju Go Shohnan Yamada

Hana Go Musashi Aiwa
Toudai Go Shikoku Hanaoka Kensha
Yuuka Go Kisarazu Itou