Utagawa Djenima Go Shun'You Kensha

Registered Name: Utagawa Djenima Go Shun'You Kensha
Breeder: Silvia Exposito - Shun'You Kensha
Owner: Dmitry Glazov - Kennel Akatsuki
Sire: Asamaru Go Touseien
Dam: Shion Go Isehara Futami
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 19 SEP 2009
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Spain
Land of Standing: Russia
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: World CH BOB 2013, European CH BOB 2012 - Bucharest, European JCH 2010 - Celje, International CH, Russia GCH, Belarus GCH, Russia CH, Belarus CH, Finland CH, Luxembourg CH, Russia JCH, Slovenia JCH, Breed CH, Club CH
Known Offspring:
Akinaru Go You Djenima
Akiyama Watashi
Kuuka Go You Djenima
Takamasa Go You Djenima
Tokumi Go You Djenima
Uchiko Go Shun'You Kensha
Yasumi Go Shun'You Kensha

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Utagawa Djenima Go Shun'You Kensha

Asamaru Go Touseien

Kitanojou Go Saginuma Kensha

Kitanoyuu Go Otafukusou
Tomoegozen Go Tateyama Matsunaga
Nokori Go Takai Kensha

Nichirin Go Toukyou Kouryuu
Houmuran Go Musashi Aiwa

Shion Go Isehara Futami
Hachiya Go Musashi Aiwa

Mikuni Go Matsusaka Yamanaka

Awa Aihime Go Musashi Aiwa

Miki Go Isehara Futami

Bandou Tarou Go Saginuma Kensha

Yukino Go Isehara Futami