Izumi Go You Djenima

Registered Name: Izumi Go You Djenima
Breeder: Olga Polishchuk - Go You Djenima
Owner: E. Lisenkova
Sire: Kouki Go Shirai
Dam: Shion Go Isehara Futami
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 7 NOV 2012
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Ukraine
Land of Standing: Russia
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Champion RKF, Junior Champion of Moldova, Champion of Georgia, Grand Champion of Georgia, Champion of Azerbaijan, Grand Champion of Azerbaijan, 5*CACIB, 2*Cand. Club Champion
Known Offspring:
Registration#: RKF 3597309
Ichiban Go You Djenima
Ikomasa Go You Djenima
Inoch Go You Djenima
Inukami Go Djenima
Isami Go You Djenima
Isamu San Go You Djenima

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Izumi Go You Djenima

Kouki Go Shirai

Ukyou Go Shirai

Yuushou Go Musashi Aiwa
Azusa Go Shirai
Mayu (Nayu) Go Shirai

Yuushou Go Musashi Aiwa
Momoka Go Musashi Aiwa

Shion Go Isehara Futami
Hachiya Go Musashi Aiwa

Mikuni Go Matsusaka Yamanaka

Awa Aihime Go Musashi Aiwa

Miki Go Isehara Futami

Bandou Tarou Go Saginuma Kensha

Yukino Go Isehara Futami