I'Meika De La Vallee Des Samourais

Registered Name: I'Meika De La Vallee Des Samourais
Breeder: Cedric Revol - De La Vallée Des Samouraïs
Owner: Jose Vicente Villasante
Kennel: De La Vall�e Des Samoura�s
Sire: Touyuu Go Kyushu Uedasou
Dam: Bisei Go Tamba Oomae
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 9 JUL 2013
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: France
Land of Standing: Spain
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Spanish Champion . Junior Champion Spain
Known Offspring:
Registration#: 250269810056903
Emiko De La Vallee Des Samourais
I'Maruyama De La Vallee Des Samourais
I'Nozomi De La Vallee Des Samourais
J'Kaerizaki De Dan' Jourdain

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I'Meika De La Vallee Des Samourais

Touyuu Go Kyushu Uedasou

Yuuki Go Kyushu Uedasou

Sakura Musashi Go Yahata Kensha
Chikuzen Yumetsubaki Go Chikuzensou
Rinko Go Aso Inoue

Shoei Go Aso Inoue
Nairei (Sairei) Go Miss Otafukusou

Bisei Go Tamba Oomae

Daichi Go Hanakawasou

Mikuni Go Matsusaka Yamanaka
Ichihana Go Hanakawasou

Nagisa Go Tezuka Kensha

Koutei Go Tezuka Kensha
Kouran Go Tachibana Genkaisou