Taishita Ken Amana

Registered Name: Taishita Ken Amana
Breeder: Jirina Mandova - Ken Amana
Owner: Maria Cristina Bignamini
Kennel: praga
Sire: Dairin Go Etnakita Ken
Dam: Iki Shiawase Ken Amana
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 30 OCT 2013
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Czech Republic
Land of Standing:
Colour: Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: 203099810032677
Racing Name: Jirina Mandova
Tama Yume Ken Amana
Torabijin Ken Amana

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Taishita Ken Amana

Dairin Go Etnakita Ken

Kotarou Go Musashi Aiwa

Kitanojou Go Saginuma Kensha
Ringo Go Shirai

Amamei Go

Kasuga Go Shirai

Sanae Go

Iki Shiawase Ken Amana

Unshou Go Takasaki Yamaguchi

Kouun Go Noshiro Koujusou

Kaunhime (Natsukumo Hime) Go Takasaki Yamaguchi

Ginka Ken Amana

P'Toramasa D'Obakosow

La-Kamiori Ken Amana