Zoloto Nebes Kamoshika

Registered Name: Zoloto Nebes Kamoshika
Breeder: Prudnikova Katerina - Zoloto Nebes
Owner: Nyrnenko Elena
Kennel: Zoloto Nebes
Sire: Kando Halne Wzgorze
Dam: Reku S Akulovoy Gory
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 2 JUN 2010
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Russia
Land of Standing: Ukraine
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Junior Ch Ukrainy
Known Offspring:
Registration#: RKF 2758650. UKU.0075889
Zoloto Nebes Kakusaki
Zoloto Nebes Kamonika
Zoloto Nebes Kobushi

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Zoloto Nebes Kamoshika

Kando Halne Wzgorze

Kaishi Go Shichimen Kensha
Tetsutarou Go Shirai

Ai Go Yamagata Kojima

Iczczite Halne Wzgórze

Kajitsu No Daiichi Go

Momiji Halne Wzgórze

Reku S Akulovoy Gory
Elmonte's DatashiroAntey Sensi

Ban Ten Sama

Sabra Alen

Daichi Go Niigata Kuriyama
