Ikey Go

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Registered Name: Ikey Go
Breeder: Antonio Marsico
Owner: Antonio Marsico
Sire: Yoshimitsu Go
Dam: Pokapoka Suru Go No Shatsuko
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 8 FEB 2002
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Italy
Size: 62 cm (24.41 inch)
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LO0287729

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Ikey Go

Yoshimitsu Go

Iuky Go Di Casa Saporito

Bizen No Torazo Go Okayama Minami

Ai Hime Go Musashi Aiwa

Honda Go

Genji Go Musashi Aiwa

Nagasaki Go No Shatsuko
Pokapoka Suru Go No Shatsuko

Daiji Go Kisarazu Shirai Kensha

Tougoku Go Shimoda Kurofune
Yuugao Go Tohkai Kensha (Yuugao Go Toukai Kensha)
Tanaka Go No Shatsuko

Kyuumeimaru Go Miss Otafukusou

Eri Go Tokyo Takaryuu