V' Haruna Kiiro Go Naoko No Senshi

Registered Name: V' Haruna Kiiro Go Naoko No Senshi
Breeder: Carolina Beckers
Owner: Carolina Beckers
Kennel: Naoko No Senshi
Sire: Ryuu No Tora Go Hajimari
Dam: Tsukihime Go Tenshi Kensha
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 26 APR 2022
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Belgium
Land of Standing: Belgium
Colour: Red Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Netherlands Junior Champion, Belgian Junior Champion Holland Cup Junior Winner 2023
Known Offspring:
HD - A ED - 00 Patella free AI CARRIER
V' Haruko Gure Go Naoko No Senshi
V'Bakuto Nuuko Go Naoko No Senshi

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V' Haruna Kiiro Go Naoko No Senshi

Ryuu No Tora Go Hajimari

Shingen Go Ootani Kensha

Buryuu (Takeryu) Go Mogami Hoshikawa

Terutora Go Sunada Kensha

Toshiko Go Kodai An Dell'Antico Matagi

Yakushi No Tora Go Choufu Taniguchi Kensha

Tokiwa Bijin Go Daikantou

Tsukihime Go Tenshi Kensha

Masakazu Go Haiku Ken

Gakujou Go Shirai

Minako Go Shirai

Mayumi Go Samurai Yashiki

L'Toramaru De La Vallee Des Samourais

Kimi Go Samurai Yashiki