Benkei Go Kodai An Inuma Kensha

Registered Name: Benkei Go Kodai An Inuma Kensha
Breeder: Donco Borisov - Inuma Kensha
Owner: Eugenio Baglieri - Dell'Antico Matagi
Kennel: Inuma Kensha
Sire: Ushiwakamaru Go Ryuuhou Yamagami
Dam: Emiko De La Vallee Des Samourais
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 3 SEP 2015
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Macedonia
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Kenshin Go Inuma Kensha
Taira No Tokuko Go Inuma Kensha

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Benkei Go Kodai An Inuma Kensha

Ushiwakamaru Go Ryuuhou Yamagami

Jinryuu Go Hanyuu Saijou
Miyakonishiki Go Daikantou

Shuuka (Hideka) Go Daikantou

Sai No Kaede Go Ryuuhou Yamagami

Manjirou Go Maruyoshi
Seika Go Ryuuhou Yamagami

Emiko De La Vallee Des Samourais

Touyuu Go Kyushu Uedasou

Yuuki Go Kyushu Uedasou
Rinko Go Aso Inoue

Bisei Go Tamba Oomae

Daichi Go Hanakawasou

Nagisa Go Tezuka Kensha