Koukame Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha

Registered Name: Koukame Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha
Breeder: Shintaro Kozaki
Sire: Suzaku Go Misuzusou
Dam: Benihana Go Miyagi Watanabe Kensha
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 15 DEC 2011
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Japan
Land of Standing: Japan
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Tokuyu 1st place in Seiken class at 84th Yamagata prefecture akiho show
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKIHO 12-221

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Koukame Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha
Suzaku Go Misuzusou

Senpou Go Okayama Nishi Oota

Mikagemaru Go Hamamatsu Kanjuu
Yumesaki Go Yamaguchi Natajima
Suzune Go Okayama Nishi Oota

Daiju Go Okayama Nishi Oota
Momo Go Kensha Musashi

Benihana Go Miyagi Watanabe Kensha
Mine No Hikari Go Niigata Daiichi KenshaJumon Go Senshuu Takashihamasou
Reina Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha

Kokuhoume Go Kyuuberu

Tempou Go Miyagi Ibukisou
Benisuisen Go Niigata Daiichi Kensha