Kajitsu No Myage Go

Registered Name: Kajitsu No Myage Go
Breeder: Allevamento Kajitsu No
Owner: Allevamento Kajitsu No
Kennel: Kajitsu No
Sire: Kakusui Go Tezuka Kensha
Dam: Heiku Go Royal Nippon Akitos
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 4 DEC 2004
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Young Italian Ch. - Italian Ch.
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LO0576949
Dysp HD.A (0)
Kajitsu No Ekisha Go
Kajitsu No Esashigun Go
Kajitsu No Haiken Go
Kajitsu No Hinomaru-Go
Kajitsu No Hiten Go
Kajitsu No Houtaku Go

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Kajitsu No Myage Go

Kakusui Go Tezuka Kensha

Tougaku Go Mizushima Nakajimasou

Touichi Go Noshiro Senjusou

Asuka Go Mizushima Nakajimasou

Maki Go Yamagata Shimizu Kensha

Touki Go Mogami Habano
Tomoharu Go Ukita Kensou

Heiku Go Royal Nippon Akitos

Fuji Go Kiyokawasou

Taiho Go Furuyasou
Teruhime Go Juntai Dou

Senrihime Go Yonaiyamasou

Tochiryu Go Yamanakasansou
Miku Go Chiyosatosou