Pedigree of Gotem Akay Inukami Inu
Gotem Akay Inukami Inu

Tensui Del Yucatàn BR

Goten Go Fujitaen

Shoei Go Aso Inoue
Taishi Go (Taiko Go) Nishikisou

F'Tomadachi Go Of Ikenohatade

D'Taishi Go Of Kamino Ken

Akikomachi Of Ikenohatade

Sayume Del Yucatàn BR

Shumpou Go Oomigafuusou

Kouun Go Okayama Nishi Oota
Suzune Go Okayama Nishi Oota
Kumi Del Yucatan BR

Tora Del Yucatan BR

Kimie Bry Go Yamada
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