
Firstname: Sidnei

Lastname: Kuhlmann - Thunderkuhl Akitas

Street: Rua Maurício Jammel - 199

Postal Code: 13088524

City: Campinas

Country: Brazil



Breeder: yes

Phone: 19989691313

Owner of:
Aiko Kensha Shirokuma Go
Aito Go Br Higashi
Arya Go Thunderkuhl
Canis Sirius Thunderkuhl
Chieko Go Thunderkuhl
Chinatsu Go Thunderkuhl
Crazy'S Paradise Tamiko No Miryoku
Dairin Go Thunderkuhl
Dashi Go Br Higashi
Eiji Hunty Go Thunderkuhl
Eiyu Go Thunderkuhl
Etsuko Hokkaido Kensha
F'Kawaii Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Fujisan Yamaguchi Go Thunderkuhl
Hikari Go No Spetacollo
Hiroshi Go Thunderkuhl
Hoshi Apollo Go Thunderkuhl
Iyuuka Go Thunderkuhl
Kawaii Go Thunderkuhl
Kin Sake Go Hashimitsu
Kira Ha M. R. V.
Kotaro Go Thunderkuhl
Meika Thunderkuhl Go Hashimitsu
Midori Go Salmoiraghi
Misu Go Thunderkuhl
Motaro Of Casaron Inu
Oka Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Pandora Go Thunderkuhl
Raikou Thunderkuhl Go Casaron Inu
Sachihime Go Casaron Inu
Sora Go Br Higashi
Taikou Go Thunderkuhl
Tooki Go Br Higashi
Tora Go Thunderkuhl
Yoshi Go Kawamura
Yukidama Del Yucatan BR
Zettai Go Of Fighting Dog
Breeder of:

A'Mori Agaru Go Thunderkuhl
Aí Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Ai Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Ai No Ben Go Thunderkuhl
Ai No Ben Go Thunderkuhl
Ai Tora Thunderkuhl
Aiken Go Thunderkuhl
Akai Frodo Go Thunderkuhl
Amai Go Thunderkuhl
Arya Go Thunderkuhl
Arya Stark Go Thunderkuhl
Aslan Kootei Go Thunderkuhl
Asuka Go Thunderkuhl
Asuka Kooshi Go Thunderkuhl
Azuma Hachi Go Thunderkuhl
Baika Zettai Go Thunderkuhl
Banshou Hashimitsu Go Thunderkuhl
Bara Go Thunderkuhl
Bulma Thunderkuhl
Bushi Go Thunderkuhl
Chieko Go Thunderkuhl
Chinatsu Go Thunderkuhl
Dairin Go Thunderkuhl
Daiya Go Thunderkuhl
Danka Go Thunderkuhl
Drogon Go Thunderkuhl
Eiji Hunty Go Thunderkuhl
Eiyu Go Thunderkuhl
Eiyuu Kooshi Go Thunderkuhl
Enka Go Thunderkuhl
Etsuko Hashimitsu Go Thunderkuhl
F'Kawaii Hime Go Thunderkuhl
F'Kimi Go Thunderkuhl
Fujisan Yamaguchi Go Thunderkuhl
Gaia Genji Go Thunderkuhl
Gaijin Go Thunderkuhl
Goori Go Thunderkuhl
Goro Kasai Go Thunderkuhl
Hachi Go Thunderkuhl
Hachiko Go Thunderkuhl
Hade Tenshi Go Thunderkuhl
Hana Go Salmoiraghi
Hana Go Thunderkuhl
Haru Go Thunderkuhl
Haru Yoshi Go Thunderkuhl
Hayato Go Thunderkulh
Hime Luna Thunderkuhl
Hime Madona Go Thunderkuhl
Hime Miyuki Go Thunderkuhl
Hime Nikita Thunderkuhl
Hime Pandora Lopess Thunderkuhl
Hime Shimei Thunderkuhl
Hira Nikki Go Thunderkuhl
Hiro Young Go Thunderkuhl
Hiroshi Go Thunderkuhl
Hisashi Go Thunderkuhl
Hitoshi Go Thunderkuhl
Hoshi Apollo Go Thunderkuhl
Hoshi Kazuki Go Thunderkuhl
Ichiko Go Thunderkuhl
Inu Hatchi Go Thunderkuhl
Issai Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Iyuuka Go Thunderkuhl
Izumy Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Jitsu Go Thunderkuhl
Jiyuu Go Thunderkuhl
Kane Alpha Go Thunderkuhl
Kaori Azuma Go Thunderkuhl
Kawa Go Thunderkuhl
Kawaii Akai Go Thunderkuhl
Kawaii Go Thunderkuhl
Kazan Go Thunderkuhl
Kazumi Go Thunderkuhl
Kentaro Go Thunderkuhl
Kenzo Alok Go Thunderkuhl
Kiara Erina Go Thunderkuhl
Kimi Go Thunderkuhl
Kimi Nala Go Thunderkuhl
Kin Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Kin Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Kioshi Lohan Go Thunderkuhl
Kira Go Thunderkuhl
Koda Go Thunderkuhl
Koda Kootei Go Thunderkuhl
Kootei Yoshi Go Thunderkuhl
Kotaro Go Thunderkuhl
Kyoto Hashimitsu Go Thunderkuhl
L'Suzzara Go Thunderkuhl
Mahoo Go Thunderkuhl
Matsuri Go Thunderkuhl
Misako Go Thunderkuhl
Misu Go Thunderkuhl
Miyuki Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Moana Go Thunderkuhl
Naishin Kyu Go Thunderkuhl
Naishin Tamae Go Thunderkuhl
Narita Go Thunderkuhl
Noru Gohan Go Thunderkuhl
Nyoko Go Thunderkuhl
Ogai Go Thunderkuhl
Ohana Go Thunderkuhl
Ohara Go Thunderkuhl
Ohayoo Go Thunderkuhl
Ohkan Go Thunderkuhl
Oka Go Thunderkuhl
Oka Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Okami Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Okimi Go Thunderkuhl
Pandora Go Thunderkuhl
Panji Go Thunderkuhl
Raion Kime Go Thunderkuhl
Rayaa Go Thunderkuhl
Reiko Kyra Go Thunderkuhl
Rika Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Ryoko Go Thunderkuhl
Ryotaro Go Thunderkuhl
Ryuu Go Thunderkuhl
Ryuu Nobu Go Thunderkuhl
Saiko Gaikofu Go Thunderkuhl
Samurai Daicon Go Thunderkuhl
Satsuki Go Thunderkuhl
Shima Kootei Thunderkuhl
Shin Kootei Go Thunderkuhl
Shirokuma Apollo Go Thunderkuhl
Shogun Apollo Go Thunderkuhl
Tahari Go Thunderkuhl
Taikoo Gohan Go Thunderkuhl
Taikou Go Thunderkuhl
Taisho Go Thunderkuhl
Takemi Go Thunderkuhl
Takeshi Sirius Go Thunderkuhl
Taro Go Thunderkuhl
Tayori Go Thunderkuhl
Tayori Hime Go Thunderkuhl
Tempou Go Thunderkuhl
Tenshi Go Thunderkuhl
Tenshi Kootei Go Thunderkuhl
Teruko Nindin Go Thunderkuhl
Tora Go Thunderkuhl
Torah Sandor Go Thunderkuhl
Un Gohan Go Thunderkuhl
Vulpix Musashi Go Thunderkuhl
Yae Eiko Go Thunderkuhl
Yamato Go Thunderkuhl
Yancha Go Thunderkuhl
Yoshi Go Thunderkuhl
Yoshi Go Thunderkuhl
Yujin Halley Go Thunderkuhl
Yume Go Thunderkuhl
Yuujin Go Thunderkuhl
Yuura Aika Go Thunderkuhl