Koujinouka Go Tetsuyukisou

Registered Name: Koujinouka Go Tetsuyukisou
Breeder: Takumi Mitsuoka
Owner: Faustine Oudot
Sire: Koujinmaru Go Miyagi Watanabe Kensha
Dam: Harunohana Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 12 FEB 2017
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Japan
Land of Standing:
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKIHO 17-2297

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Koujinouka Go Tetsuyukisou

Koujinmaru Go Miyagi Watanabe Kensha

Yoshiteru Go Senshuu Takashihamasou

Yoshifuru (Yoshihuru) Go Senshuu Takashihamasou

Utage Go Kouyasan Miyauchisou
Misato Go Miyagi Watanabe Kensha

Taijyu Go Noshiro Fujita
Kouju Go Miyagi Watanabe Kensha
Harunohana Go Miyagi Kozaki Kensha

Rankurou Go Akita Shibata

Daiou Go Aomori Mikamisou

Rankume Go Hanawa Kisaragi
Noriko Go Awakoku HikarinomiyaZuihou Go Sanukishiunsou
Hanasaki Go Senshuu Takashihamasou