Namiria Go Tamashi Kensha

Registered Name: Namiria Go Tamashi Kensha
Breeder: Francesco Pallarino - Tamashi Kensha
Owner: Daniel Motta
Kennel: Tamashi Kensha
Sire: Hakurei Zan No Kishi Go Fukushu No Kensha
Dam: Karin Go Tamashi Kensha
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 23 MAR 2018
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LO1883826
Mirin Go Tamashi Kensha
Nairobi Go Tamashi Kensha
Senza Go Tamashi Kensha

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Namiria Go Tamashi Kensha

Hakurei Zan No Kishi Go Fukushu No Kensha

Fukushu Hokuto Go

Yaoki Go Shirai

Kokai Go Dell'Antico Oriente

M'Kumiai No Hime Tokimitsu

Genji De La Vallee Des Samourais

Emiko Go Shun'You Kensha

Karin Go Tamashi Kensha

Ryuuichi Go Shirai

Ukyou Go Shirai

Miho Go Shirai

Nagasaki No Gen Go Tokimitsu

Genji De La Vallee Des Samourais

Kayamaru Tokimitsu