Nippon Sun Yoshi

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Registered Name: Nippon Sun Yoshi
Breeder: Mattia Cappelli - Nippon Sun
Owner: Stefano Davi'
Kennel: Nippon Sun
Sire: Koudai Go Senshuu Takashihamasou
Dam: Nippon Sun Daishikiko
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 16 SEP 2012
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Italy
Land of Standing: Italy
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: LO12161603
HD B - ED 0
Nippon Sun Bakuen
Nippon Sun Beniazusa
Nippon Sun Benihime
Nippon Sun Bjin
Nippon Sun Yasu
Nippon Sun Yuuka

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Nippon Sun Yoshi

Koudai Go Senshuu Takashihamasou

Zuikou Go Kouyasan Miyauchisou

Senpuuji Go Moritaki Kensha
Shinka Go Kouyasan Miyauchisou
Kasen Go Senshuu TakashihamasouJou Go Okamasa Kensha
Matsuhana (Saika) Go Senshuu Takashihamasou

Nippon Sun Daishikiko

Nippon Sun Yaban

Toghokuun Go De La Vallee Des Dragons Sacres

Nippon Sun Peikiko

Midori Go

Kogarashi Go
Amai Tenshi Go Del Vento Divino