Fiona Czar Wiosny

Registered Name: Fiona Czar Wiosny
Breeder: Rafal Szczypior
Owner: Britta Bruckmann
Kennel: Czar Wiosny
Sire: Kakujitsu Halne Wzgórze
Dam: Itazura Halne Wzgòrze
Call Name:
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 6 APR 2009
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Poland
Land of Standing: Germany
Size: 62 cm (24.41 inch)
Weight: 27 kg (59.52 pound)
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: PKR.V-16500

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Fiona Czar Wiosny

Kakujitsu Halne Wzgórze

Ato Go Des Dragons Du Soleil Rouge

Masamune Go Kouyazan Miyauchisou

U'Takayama Go Des Dragons Du Soleil Rouge

I'Yorokobi No Izumi Halne Wzgórze

Kajitsu No Daiichi Go

Momiji Halne Wzgórze
Itazura Halne Wzgòrze

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Bendzi Omona Gawa

Niagara Mago Kakusui Halne Wzgòrze

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