Daibo Ken Del Yucatàn BR

Registered Name: Daibo Ken Del Yucatàn BR
Breeder: Juliana C. e Leandro M. - Yucatan BR
Owner: Wainer Correa de Souza - Cherokee Brazukas
Sire: Zentai Ito Go Of Fighting Dog
Dam: Chimei Go De Yamada
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 6 SEP 2007
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Brazil
Land of Standing: Brazil
Colour: Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: RG/SPAI/07/04296
Bibishii Del Yucatan BR
Harumi Hime Del Yucatàn Br
Miss Saigon Del Yucatan BR
Miss Tokyo Del Yucatan BR

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Daibo Ken Del Yucatàn BR

Zentai Ito Go Of Fighting Dog

Dousan Go Kawasaki Marutaka
Tougaku Go Oribia
Hakutoume Go Isehara Futami

Tamayuu Go Shirai

Kaiyou Go Okufujisou
Fuuwa Go Shirai

Chimei Go De Yamada

Gensui Go Musashi Aiwa

Hokuto Go Kisarazu Shirai Kensha
Moeki Go Hachiouji Tada

Sayuri Go De Yamada

Hokushun Go Toukyou Asahara

Mimi Go Musashi Aiwa