Sho Go Tora Of Büt Yama

Registered Name: Sho Go Tora Of Büt Yama
Breeder: Daniela von Mentlen - But Yama
Owner: Andreas Zednicek
Sire: Yakushi No Tora Go Choufu Taniguchi Kensha
Dam: Miyuu Of Büt Yama
Call Name: Sho Go
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 9 SEP 2020
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Switzerland
Land of Standing: Austria
Size: 65.4 cm (25.75 inch)
Weight: 32 kg (70.55 pound)
Colour: Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Titles: Austrian Youth Champion
Known Offspring:
Registration#: SHSB/LOS776718
HD A, eyes clear
Shirayuki Hime Of Büt Yama

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Sho Go Tora Of Büt Yama

Yakushi No Tora Go Choufu Taniguchi Kensha
Kotetsu Go Okamasa KenshaUnjou Go Okamasa Kensha
Dai Go Rinshouen

Aki Go Fujimasa

Touryuu Go Minatomaru
Hakusenme Go Okamasa Kensha

Miyuu Of Büt Yama

Kaiketsu Go Di Casa Saporito

Kotarou Go Musashi Aiwa

Waka Go Sakai Naoya

Ginji Do Of But Yama

Akakuma Of But Yama

D'Sayuri Go Of RamsRaspel Kensha