Anekuroro Halne Wzgorze

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Registered Name: Anekuroro Halne Wzgorze
Breeder: Jolanta Talaga - Halne Wzgorze
Owner: Albert Rolon
Kennel: Poland
Sire: Kokusai Halne Wzgórze
Dam: Isamashii's Diamond To Jolanta
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 27 JUL 2010
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Poland
Land of Standing: USA
Colour: Red and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: AKC WS37149701
Akiko Halne Wzgòrze
Sachi Halne Wzgòrze
Sanji Halne Wzgorze

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Anekuroro Halne Wzgorze

Kokusai Halne Wzgórze

Kaishi Go Shichimen Kensha
Tetsutarou Go Shirai

Ai Go Yamagata Kojima

Iczczite Halne Wzgórze

Kajitsu No Daiichi Go

Momiji Halne Wzgórze

Isamashii's Diamond To Jolanta

Kaminari Halne Wzgórze

Yuu Go Shun'You Kensha

Sayonara Halne Wzgórze

Isamashii's Baronessan Bon-Sai

Noven's Eiryu-Go

Noven's Isamashii Isadora