Otaku Asahi No Okami

Registered Name: Otaku Asahi No Okami
Breeder: Kevin Allein
Owner: Kevin Allein
Sire: Amatsue Go Hakufumy
Dam: Hakufuumaru Go Shinzansou
Call Name:
Sex: male
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: France
Land of Standing:
Size: 67 cm (26.38 inch)
Weight: 33 kg (72.75 pound)
Colour: White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:

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Otaku Asahi No Okami

Amatsue Go Hakufumy

Tarou Go Hanyuu Saijou
Miyakonishiki Go Daikantou

Shuuka (Hideka) Go Daikantou

Hakufumy No Hotaru Hime Go

Daihou Go Kagaya Yaoya

Hakufumy No Shojo Go

Hakufuumaru Go Shinzansou

Tendoumaru Go Shikoku Mori

Takamasa Go Mikawa Yamamotosou

Komako Go Kanzakiya Kensha

Kyouko Go Osaka Korakuen

Touryuu Go Minatomaru
Takano (Kouya) No Sora Go Senshuu Takashihamasou